Many of us create mandalas as a hobby, but how many of us know the ideology behind the concept of mandala art? This article attempts to throw some light on that, and its association with dream-catchers.  The first traces of this Buddhist art form in India can be traced back to the 1st century B.C.E.

A little more detail about the construction of Mandalas – It begins with a meditative ceremony in which the monks consecrate the site and call upon the forces of goodness through chants, meditation, and music. Then, over ten days, the monks pour millions of grains of colored sand from traditional metal funnels, purifying and healing the space and its inhabitants in the process.

Shortly after finishing the Mandala, the monks dismantle the Mandala to symbolize the temporariness of all that exists, and disperse the sand to share its blessing. Well, the involvement of Buddhist art is the earliest proof of Buddhism.

If one has ever visited a Buddhist temple or admired religious art from Asia, then one has likely seen mandalas. This form of art is also seen in modern architecture. People usually have a historical background in adding Mandala art to the architecture, or sometimes it is added just for beautification. These complex works of art combine geometric patterns, religious symbolism, and layers of meaning to create a masterpiece that acts as a symbol, prayer, meditation exercise, and holy blessing all rolled into one.

Mandala comes from the Sanskrit word for circle and refers to the sense of wholeness created by both circular forms.  The creation of a mandala begins with the center, radiating outward with symbols and designs as the pattern grows larger. It can be painted, drawn, or even made from traditional colorful sand. Those painted on scrolls are often carried by travelers and pilgrims for a blessing on the road, and used as a focus device for meditation during their travels.

Mandalas have also been found in dream-catchers to protect individuals while sleeping. Dream-catchers are popular in Western cultures. You can easily identify the shape and patterns of a mandala within most of the dream-catchers. Dream catchers do not literally catch dreams. They are essentially good luck charms. While placed in the right place, it is said to dispel bad energies and let positivity shine through. It is also said that it keeps you relaxed while sleeping. The web-like design of the dream catcher is said to have a significant purpose in life. It is said that just like a spider weaves a web and any predator gets stuck in the web, all your negative energies get stuck in the web, and only positive thoughts and happy energies get through.

Dream catchers are said to divide your energy into negative and positive notes. While you absorb the positive energy around, the negative energy gets dispelled by the sunlight. It is said that dream-catchers keep your anger in check at home. Dream-catchers are widely viewed as a symbol of oneness among numerous indigenous cultures and tribes. They’re also generally considered an indication of Native American identity.

According to artists who make a living out of this profession,  Mandalas create a stress free environment. This gives them a sense of relief and therefore plays a role in creating an atmosphere of deep self worth. The bigger the Mandala gets in the process, the better it gets for them also.  Mandalas have no right and wrong designs, anything drawn on a piece of canvas is considered part of the Mandala. It is simply a unique way to create a piece of art – anything to make one feel sane, with oneself!


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